Unfortunately all xrefs to KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter are from non-exported functions, for example PsConvertToGuiThread:
But we can used signatures search for part of test dword ptr [edi+2E8h], 18000h.
We first need to find offset to EPROCESS.Flags3. This can be done from exported function PsIsProcessCommitRelinquished:
nothing special, bit of disasm and we have EPROCESS.Flags3 YYXX. Next search bytes
in PAGE section. Follow jnz and you`ll get KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter
test dword ptr [edi+2E8h], 18000h ; EPROCESS.Flags3
jnz short loc_6CAD9D
mov dword ptr [esi+3Ch], offset _KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter
But we can used signatures search for part of test dword ptr [edi+2E8h], 18000h.
We first need to find offset to EPROCESS.Flags3. This can be done from exported function PsIsProcessCommitRelinquished:
mov edi, edi
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
mov eax, [eax+2E8h]
shr eax, 12h
and al, 1
nothing special, bit of disasm and we have EPROCESS.Flags3 YYXX. Next search bytes
XX YY 00 00 00 80 01 00
in PAGE section. Follow jnz and you`ll get KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter