CSES has two very similar by description tasks but with completely different solutions: "Critical Cities" (218 accepted solutions at time when I writing this) and "Visiting Cities" (381 accepted solutions)
Critical Cities
Visiting Cities
At this time we are given an directed weighted graph and seems that simplest solution is to find all K-th shortest paths (for example with Yen algo) and make union of their vertices. Because I'm very lazy I decided to reuse some ready and presumably well-tested implementation of this algo. You can read about fabulous resultshere
After that I plunged into long thoughts until I decided to count how many paths of minimal length go through each vertex - actually we could run Dijkstra in both directions: from source to target and from target to source, counting number of paths with minimal length. And then we could select from this path vertices where product of direct counts with reverse equal to direct count on target (or reverse count on source) - it`s pretty obvious that you can`t avoid such vertices in any shortest path. Complexity of this solution is two times from Dijkstra algo (depending from implementation O(V^2) or O(V * log(V) + E * log(V)) using some kind of heap) + in worst case V checks for each vertices in first found shortest path
My solution is here